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Life's a fiction
Baby's eenie meenie maainie mo-lover



Xue Ting 林雪婷
03 december 1991



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Stop animals cruelty

These videos are damn gross and it's very saddening. I teared while watching it.
But pleassseeee dont skip these video because of that.
Instead carry on to finish watching all. If shedding a few drop of our tears could
create awareness why not?

One morning when i was browsing through videos on youtube, i came across videos on animals cruelty. Although i've probably seen it a few years back but at that point of time i dont feel so much but as years past and now with 5 lil lovelies around me, i feel so much for them that i've decided to GO GREEN at least one day in a week. I'm gonna start by a day first and see if i could get use to it and slowly increases.

Every year in Asia (not only in China), million and millions of animals are killed be it for food to keep themself warm in winter season , for fur as fashion accessories or just because of over-population. ''If you buy/wear fur, you share the same blame for the torturing of these cats and dogs.'' same for those who killed it for different purposes. Humans are here to co exist with animals, not dominate other life forms. People have become morally sick if they think this is ok. These are helpless creature that dont have a voice and have no choice on their fate. I know not everyone does this but for the people who do, way to make your country look sadistic and evil. You are the people who look sick and twisted.

As body warmer:

In China, Korea and probably other parts of Asia millions of dogs are being killed to serve as body warmer in winter season. This is utterly atrocious. Is eating living beings the only ways
to warm up your body? Are the heater fake? Those are portable ones available also.
These dogs are being kept in cramped cages where there isn't any space for them to even move their limbs. Seeing their species being dragged out of the cages and being served on the dish.
These little ones knows what's happening and they can sense danger and most are very reluctant to be dragged away. Those restaurant owner believes that before the dog is being killed, they need to be drag, beaten or being smashed on to the ground as they believes that if there more adrenaline in it's body the meat will taste nicer.

For commercial purpose:

Poaching the the saddest aspect of hunting. Even though an animal is protected and laws have been passed to make hunting and killing that animal illegal, the animal is still hunted and killed.
These animals are protected in the first place because they are endangered and because of this it trigger more poachers to hunt for the species as it fetches a higher price. Most of the time, not only fur could fetch a heaven amount but bones and other body parts are beneficial to them as well. This underground sale of these protected animals has proliferated in places like China where folk medicine uses these animal parts as part of exotic cures for various ailments.


In the year 2006 (year of the dog) Rabies spread around in China and causes 2,500 human death. And so stray dogs are being beaten to death on the street. A cheap but inhuman way.
Authorities in Bali, Indonesia, are using strychnine poisoning-- an inhuman and violent killing method.
Strychnine poisoning is among the cruellest killing method available because it can cause severe pain and discomfort before death. The only solution is to mass vaccination to control rabies outbreaks and their local group are working hard to vaccinate as many dogs as possible. They have a link available to contact His Excellency, Indonesian Anbassador to the UK to ure him to call off the proposed cruel culling of 90,000 dogs.
But thank goodness that singapore is free from Rabies and over population is not much over controlled but still many dogs owner choose to abandon their dogs for various reasons.

Honestly, these should'nt be your worries at all and definitely not an excuse to abandon them.
I urged everyone who intend to get a dog to seriously read up on them. Their temperament, (mis)behaviours. Just everything about the specify breed. And also inform
your family menber on the breed that you are getting so at least the roughly know what kind of new member they gonna have in the house. With everything planned properly this would definitely decrease the chance of more dogs been abandon.

Probably you all wont feel this much as me until you've adopted a dog that was once been abandoned. Remenber my late dog, Ginger?? She was been abandoned not once but twice.
Her first owner dog(mother) gave birth to her gave her away cos she's unlike other shihtzu cos of her eyes are slightly popped out and prone to eye infection. Followed by the second owner who claimed that they are intending to move house and could'nt bring her along. FYI, she had 2 other dogs in the house and poor Ginger is the one being sacrifice just because she had skin problem.
But still, we decided to take her in if not she's gonna be put to sleep when she's only at the age of 2 years old. Nonetheless, she's one of the most obedient dog i've ever came across. She follows without a leash, stopped at the traffic light till it turns green, she never follow stranger and nvr eat food fed by stranger, she goes to her fav spot at the corner whenever she see mummy with her mop. There's once time whereby sister shut both the gate and the door without knowing that she is still outside the corridor and Ginger sat still at the doorstep without moving till my mum came back at 2am. She's very loyal but i bet she's more afraid to be abandon again.

Anw, this is just an example that abandoned dog have got this constant fear of being 'dumped'
and their behaviour might change from being an active one to an autistic one.

Take note,
For you she's just a dog, for her you're everything.

♥Yours truly, xueting.
12:26 pm

The distance makes our heart fonder.

♥Yours truly, xueting.
8:09 pm



For the heart of gold;

I've a West Highland White Terrier (Westie) up for adoption.
It's a female one. Probably around 2-3 years old. Very cute & bubbly.
Super obedient.

Wendy called me up when i was still asleep this morning telling me
that someone abandon a dog near her area asking if i've any adopters
on hand wanting to get a dog. Anw, i cabbed down just in time to stop
the people from SPCA. I'll be holding the dog for a week while waiting
if any response to my notice if they lost a westie near that area. So in the
meantime i'll be welcoming dogs lover coming forward with the adoption
of this sweetie.

Do help me spread around & only adopt out of your heart of godess
& not because of free dog.

I'm contactable at xuetingxuetingxueting@hotmail.com

♥Yours truly, xueting.
8:46 pm

Just can't stand some people or that particular someone.
Fking copy people dressing from head to toe &
even have the face to fking hack into ppl's account.
Moron or what?

♥Yours truly, xueting.
3:28 am

It's what they say;

If you fall for me
i'm not easy to please
i might tear you apart
told you from the start baby told you from the start
I'm only gonna break break your break break your heart

♥Yours truly, xueting.
2:13 am

30th April 2010

It's end of the month now! I've realised that time passes damn
fast when working but damn slow when i'm at home.
Anw, i'm happy cos it's Friday again~Seeing BB & Sonsaurus in
a few hours time.Weekdays are spent on fagging and more
faggings. While weekends are often spent at F.V and mostly
rounding on Sonsaurus. Had been heading down to F.V every
Saturday without fail for a few consecutive weeks.
Will be heading dwn this Sat cos Momsie said she will be brewing
Ginseng Chicken soup & of cause go finish my free beer that i won
on the jackpot.

Uncle Xigua (inside joke) is super nice. Momsie merely mention
that she feels like having a BBQ session & he immediately booked
a pit near our apartment and even ordered 20kg of crabbies , 10kg
of prawnies plus alot of other seafood fresh from Batam for this Sunday
bbQ. Nice or what? Maybe next time i'll try to hint him.
hiakhiak.*evil laughs* .

I've alot of things to rant about this fucking hectic week.
Sighs, forget about it shall preach to granny instead.
I know she dont mind my nagging and ranting one. Sucha sweetie yay.

♥Yours truly, xueting.
12:03 am


Attended Rochie 20th house partey @ Alfy's landed on the 16th.
i practically rush through my work cos i need to be home to take a shower
& cab over to AMK to meet up with Fabian & Jay. Then Fabian drove us over
& we took 1 golden hour to reach Simei from Amk thanks to Fab for the multiple
rounding. By the time we reach it was alr 11:45pm.

It was damn crowded n everyone was partying, yay parteyyinggg~
They party was great till some chick puked on the gigantic carpet
which takes over a thousand bucks to get it cleaned!
Anw, the party carried on but we left at ard 2am.

We had a vvellllyyyy thrilling ride down the highway.Shioknesssss!
& ended my day cuddling with BB n the comfy comforter.

♥Yours truly, xueting.
9:32 pm